Spring Cleaning My Inbox
-But What If I Ever Need It?- I’m a little bit of a horder. Not like an extreme horder that you see on TV, but I do collect odds and ends that I think might be useful someday. I think part of it is because I’m an artist. I have a whole drawer dedicated to odds and ends. I keep small pieces of construction paper leftovers, charms that fall off necklaces, shiny material, ribbons too short to use to wrap a present, anything that I might be able to use on an art project someday. I also have a slight obsession with keeping boxes 1) because I am an Amazon Prime addict and used to mail things to friends all the time and I never fell out of the habit of keeping boxes to ship things in and 2) because I’m saving them for the day I eventually get to move into my fixer-upper when it’s fixed up. I love containers in general, and keep a few empty pill bottles, spice jars, and tiny boxes that had held rings or bracelets. You never know when one would come in h...